Travel: Passion or Hobby?

While I was waiting for a friend and a co-worker who was getting her things in our office for one of our travels, I bumped in to a friend.  He saw me bringing my DSLR camera and was amazed about me having one.
He suddenly asked me if taking pictures was my hobby or my passion.
Without thinking, I answered him back saying that it was my hobby without even knowing the difference between the two.
Before I was asked the question, I never really thought much about it.  The more I think about it right now, the more I realize, it was not a simple question and answer.

Suddenly, I questioned myself, is travelling my hobby or passion?
Have any traveler question themselves as well?

I did some research on the internet about the difference between the two.
Based on the Merriam Webster's Dictionary, passion is a strong liking or desire for or devotion to some activity, object, or concept while hobby is a pursuit outside one's regular occupation engaged in for relaxation.

In layman term, Passion is what you love to do and it drives you.  You would be willing to risk your money or job for it. One would do it not only on their spare time but every single day and that's what you want to do in your life.  Hobby is something that you do in your spare time for pleasure and relaxation. It's something you would spend your money on and it's something you do to enjoy when you are not in the office or maybe to get away from your hectic schedule.

Oftentimes, people mistakenly believed that their hobby is their passion.
Before you make a risk in your life like quitting your job to focus on your passion, you have to make sure that it's not just a hobby. I'm sure if it is really your passion you can earn from it.

Despite it, one could combine their passion and hobby and make a living out of it 

As for my answer to that question, its just my HOBBY.  I am not ready to risk it all just to travel.  In this time of crisis, one has to learn how to save and spend. I make sure that I know my priorities.
But just like the saying, "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy", I know when to have fun and when not to. Hopefully, in the near future, I could say that travelling is not just my hobby but also my passion.

So now, I ask you, is what you are doing your passion or hobby? It may be traveling, photography, blogging or etc.
You have to think it over.
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